
International Women's Day 2024


Nomura has a diverse workforce of over 90 nationalities from more than 30 countries and regions. Our diverse talent is the source of our competitive strengths and innovation, and we are committed to creating an environment and corporate culture where women can fully realize their potential.

To celebrate International Women's Day this year, we held a wide range of events at our offices around the world throughout March. Watch the highlights in this video.

International Women's Day 2024 / 国際女性デー2024を祝した取組みを動画で紹介

In March, Nomura celebrated International Women's Day across the globe with various events including panel discussions, fireside chats, a charity bazaar, and more.


Special Speaker Event with Kathy Matsui: Womenomics 25 Years On: Moving to the next stage ~ Inspire Inclusion

Women in Nomura (WIN) Japan invited Kathy Matsui, General Partner of MPower Partners Fund L.P., to discuss the progress of Womenomics ('women' and 'economics'), a concept coined by Ms. Matsui 25 years ago to advocate for greater participation of women in the Japanese workforce. She also shared her own experience with balancing work and life, encouraging employees with the words "Done is better than perfect."


Speed Networking with Senior Leaders

The WIN Network Americas designed this event to foster a sense of belonging and create authentic connections that go beyond this event. Our hope is that we help build an inclusive, professional community to positively influence the way we operate individually and as a firm.


An audience with Caitlin Moran

We were delighted to welcome author, journalist and commentator, Caitlin Moran. She shared her perspective of what it means to be a feminist in the modern day and how we need to create a positive movement to engage men to create gender equality.

Panel discussion with Georgie Dickins and guests

Georgie leads the Women in Leadership Global network and is an exceptional leadership adviser and coach who works with some of the world's most successful leaders, founders, and CEOs. At this event, she launched her inspiring new book 'Leading with Impact: A collection of insights & wisdom for today's complex world' and was joined on a panel by a number of senior female leaders from global organizations to discuss key insights and learnings from the book.

Asia ex-Japan

Fireside Chat with Imogen Short

The Hong Kong WIN Network hosted award-winning writer Imogen Short for a lively fireside chat, including a preview of PIVOT, her comedy series about the biases women often face as they rise to the top. The series is based on the real-life experiences of female leaders around the world, as interviewed by Imogen.

Mixed-Gender Futsal Night with Life & Families and WIN Networks

Co-hosted by the WIN and Life & Families Networks, colleagues came together to play a spirited night of futsal in mixed-gender teams. Dinner and drinks were provided for a post-game celebration.

Fireside Chat with Hee Yeon Kim

Hosted by Korea CFAO Kyung Hye Lee, our Seoul office welcomed Hee Yeon Kim, who made history in 2020 when she was appointed LG Display's first female senior executive back in 2020. In this fireside chat, she shared openly about her experiences navigating a male-dominated industry and offered important insights.

Career Journey Insights with He Juzhen Talk

Moderated by Charles Lee, General Manager of Nomura Technology Shanghai, we put the spotlight on home-grown talent He Juzhen, Head of AEJ Risk IT. As a champion for Women in Technology in Shanghai and a beloved mentor, Juzhen shared her career wisdom and insights to a full room.

Nomadland Movie Screening

In Singapore, employees gathered over fresh popcorn and movie snacks for a screening of Nomadland, in a night ending with thoughtful conversations about this unique film.

Fireside Chat with Pratiksha Tondwalkar

Our very own Pratiksha Tondwalkar, Executive Director, Compliance India, spoke about her inspirational and empowering journey of single parenting in a session hosted by our Interim India Country Head, Kishore Iyer. Pratiksha is the accomplished author of the best-selling book, Single N Stronger: It is all about BOLD Parenting.

Diversity Wall in our offices across AEJ

Employees at our offices throughout the region pledged their commitment to fostering gender equity and inclusion by striking the #InspireInclusion pose, writing comments and signing their names on the Diversity Wall in their respective offices.


Intersectionality: A panel discussion on interweaving identities to #InspireInclusion

This panel discussion featured Geetha Kannan, a versatile entrepreneurial leader, founder of Wequity, and a pioneer for the Women in IT movement in India; and Ella D Verma, a popular Indian content creator, model, social media influencer, and entrepreneur, who has gained recognition for documenting stories of her lived experience as a young transgender woman. The discussion emphasized upon the significance of intersectionality in fostering inclusion.

Empower others to #InspireInclusion: An upskilling initiative for women from under-resourced backgrounds

DEI and CSR teams collaborated to craft and deliver an engaging upskilling session for 30 young women from under-resourced backgrounds, pursuing vocational trainings. The session aimed at providing these enthusiastic women with essential skills as they entered the workplace.

Empower others to #InspireInclusion: Charity Bazaar

Aligned to our DEI pillars, this initiative provided a platform for entrepreneurs from diversity strands to display and market their products, thus fostering DEI in the community at large.